Flavour profile

An exceptional taste experience

Effortless, elegant, the generous spirit, Cardhu whisky flows like the conversation of excellent company. These smooth, sweet, mellow characters, drawn from the peat-softened waters of the Mannoch Hills, are the essential companion of any host


At full strength, heady, nose prickle, pear drops and tightly integrated heather, resin and sweet honey-nut notes


Soft, pleasing and medium bodied.


Well balanced, smooth mouthfeel; short punch, sweet and fresh, then a pronounced drying effect. Moorish. Enjoyable at any time, with little or no water.


Lingering sweet smoke in the attractive, drying aftertaste.

cardhu 12

Your gift

The light character of the 12-year-old Cardhu is an excellent starting point for anyone starting on their whisky journey. A beautifully presented gift for loved ones.


Cardhu 12 Year Old Neat

Serve in a large balloon glass neat or with a little water. Gold Reserve also offers up some new, fruity flavours when served with ice.
Alcohol Unit: 1.0

A bit of history

The crafting of Cardhu Gold Reserve pays tribute to the generous nature of our founder Helen Cummings. Featuring hand-picked toasted oak casks to bring forward its notes of honey and sweet baked apple.
Though they take their name from the Gaelic for ‘black rock’, the malts of Cardhu have a warmth and cleanliness of taste, often described as silky, making them both elegant and approachable

Cardhu 12 Year Old  flavour